Date Country Course Trainer
The Netherlands
United Kingdom
Family Conference The Netherlands (5 days intensive therapy)
MNRI® Aquatic Reflex Integration
MNRI® Archetype Movement Integration
MNRI® Breathing Reflexes Restoration and Integration
MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern Integration
MNRI® Dysfunctional & Pathological Reflex Repatterning and Integration
MNRI® Educational Family Conference (8 days)
MNRI® Facial Reflex Integration 1
MNRI® Facial Reflex Integration 2
MNRI® Introduction to Intronauts and Infant Reflexes
MNRI® Introduction to Reflex Neuromodulation for Concussion Recovery
MNRI® IPET Archetypes
MNRI® IPET NeuroTactile
MNRI® IPET Repatterning 2
MNRI® Lifelong Reflex Integration
MNRI® Neurostructural Reflex Integration
MNRI® NeuroTactile Integration
MNRI® Proprioceptive and Cognitive Reflex Integration
MNRI® Reflex Integration & Immunology
MNRI® Reflex Integration for Newborns
MNRI® Reflex Integration for Trauma and PTSD recovery
MNRI® Reflex Neuromodulation Protocol for Concussion Recovery
MNRI® Stress Hormones and Reflex Integration
MNRI® Toolbox for Dyslexia
MNRI® Upper Limb Reflex Integration & Manual Skills Development
MNRI® Visual and Auditory Reflex Integration
Akhmatova, E.
Akhmatova, N.
Bjorelius, Helena
Busz, T.
Cameron, A.
Curlee, Pamela
Deiss, T.
Fischer, T.
Heller, S.
Krejči Hrastar, M.
Light, Leah
Masgutova, Dr. Svetlana
Masgutova Institute, M.
Olson Burgess, Lori
Poulin, Christine
Renard-Fontaine, Isabelle
To be announced, TBA
Whiteside, D.
Wolmesjö, Susanne
2025, Mar, 21 - 23 (3 days) Bulgaria MNRI® Stress Hormones and Reflex Integration Susanne Wolmesjö
2025, Mar, 31 - 2025, Apr, 2 (3 days) The Netherlands MNRI® Reflex Integration & Immunology Nelli Akhmatova
2025, Apr, 5 - 8 (4 days) The Netherlands MNRI® Lifelong Reflex Integration Susanne Wolmesjö
2025, Mar, 31 - 2025, Apr, 2 (3 days) The Netherlands MNRI® IPET NeuroTactile Teresa Busz
2025, Mar, 31 - 2025, Apr, 2 (3 days) The Netherlands MNRI® IPET Archetypes Elina Akhmatova
2025, May, 22 - 25 (4 days) Serbia MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern Integration Susanne Wolmesjö
2025, Apr, 12 - 15 (4 days) The Netherlands MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern Integration Dr. Svetlana Masgutova
2025, Apr, 3 - 6 (4 days) France MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern Integration Isabelle Renard-Fontaine
2025, Apr, 12 - 2024, Apr, 15 (363 days) Bulgaria MNRI® Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern Integration Isabelle Renard-Fontaine
2025, Mar, 14 - 2025, Jan, 16 (58 days) Croatia MNRI® Archetype Movement Integration Teresa Busz