MNRI® Core in Training Program

MNRI® Cores in Training progress in their understanding of the Masgutova Method® and wish to increase their commitment to the Masgutova organization and are studying to gain full certification as an MNRI® Core Specialist. They take a wide variety of MNRI® courses, intensive training, attend Family Educational Conferences and take practical exams. This intensive training program is designed with sufficient rigor to ensure students become solidly grounded in the MNRI Method® and integrative techniques.


Application for MNRI® Core in Training Program

MNRI® Students that have the ambition to become an MNRI® Core Specialist can apply for the MNRI® Core in Training Program. These are the prerequisites to enter the MNRI® Core in Training Program:

• completed educational level BA or BS, or 2.000 hours of training in an accredited wellness discipline,

• have an MNRI® Trainee Agreement on file,

• have completed the MNRI® Dynamic and Postural course at least once and one other MNRI® Course,

• submit the application and motivation for MNRI® Core in Training Program,

• submit an official certificate of good conduct (for applicants in Europe).


Certification as MNRI® Core Specialist

The program is progressive and ends with the certification as an MNRI® Core Specialist after:

• completion of 6 semester hours of training in anatomy and physiology,

• having an updated professional liability insurance,

• having written at least one case study ready to submit to a professional journal,

• taking at least 11 MNRI® courses (inclusive 2x Dynamic and Postural Reflex Pattern Integration and 1x Tactile),

• taking IPET Tactile, IPET Archetypes, IPET Repatterning, IPET Neurostructural, for a total of 128 hours,

• participating in 304 hands-on hours at designated MNRI® Family Conferences,

• passing of all required practical exams,

• submitting a signed MNRI® Core Specialist Agreement on file.


Roles and Responsibilities:

The roles and responsibilities change and grow for MNRI® Students and MNRI® Cores in Training as they progress through their MNRI® education. Throughout training, all MNRI® Students and Cores in Training are expected to put the needs and care of the families first and maintain the highest professional behavior and to adhere to the MNRI® Code of Ethics and Conduct.