Liaison Office for Europe

Wil van Kessel, based in The Netherlands, is coordinating and organizing MNRI® Conferences, Clinics and the online MNRI® classes for residents in Europe. She is communicating with the Local Area Coordinators in Europe, helping and orienting new Local Area Coordinators to organize hands-on in-person MNRI® classes in their country. As Local Area Coordinator herself, she is organizing hands-on in-person MNRI® classes, Conferences and Clinics in The Netherlands. 

Local Area Coordinators

Check our active Local Area Coordinators for hands-on in-person MNRI® classes in various European countries:

If you would like to become a Local Area Coordinator for hands-on in-person courses and bring the Masgutova Method to your area, you can contact us. For Sponsorship in European countries, please contact our SMEI Liaison Office in Europe.

By setting up MNRI® classes they bring the Masgutova Method closer to many children and adults that can benefit from this therapy. Local Area Coordinators in various countries play an important role in coordinating area logistics, managing the registration process, and supporting the administrative processes necessary to offer hands-on in-person MNRI® courses for professionals and parents in their own country.

Ideally, potential Local Area Coordinators should:

. be familiar with the MNRI® Method,

. play an active professional or personal role in an established practice or in general support of the Masgutova Method,

. be familiar with and connected to organizations, networks, and resources to successfully communicate and promote MNRI® events,

. be willing and able to devote sufficient time and attention to the role and meet the responsibilities of a sponsorship as specified in the Local Area Coordination Agreement.