MNRI® touches me deeply…

MNRI® touches me deeply... I am grateful for this great gift that Dr. Svetlana Masgutova has given to the world, by profound research and development of the Masgutova method. It's a life changing program - Edith de Witt Roos, The Netherlands.

It’s very impressive to feel trauma disappear…

It's very impressive to feel trauma disappear through reflex integration. Today I could let go of my 5-year old 'me'. I saw her skipping away with her red balloon. Letting go feels like liberation! - Ingrid Mous, The Netherlands.

My daughter Kayla was adopted from the foster care system.

My daughter Kayla was adopted from the foster care system. When she came into our home at 13 months, she could not even turn over, her ribcage was very high and squished together, she hated to be touched, and she could not eat. Some people called her a vegetable. Her physical therapist, Diana, is always improving herself and taking courses. She arrived at our home one day so excited about something new she had learned: (meer…)